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Commission Information & Application

Depending on size, I accept between 1-3 commissions per month. Applications are accessed on the first day of each month.


Below are details of my rates across mediums and sizes. As shown, my rates vary according to a variety of factors; surface, medium and scale. Below I have outlined the variables and rate attached to them. In case you're curious as to why there are such variances, I am happy to go into further detail on this.


Firstly and most obviously, the Surface. Paper is significantly cheaper than Canvas as Canvas is to Board and Board to Wooden Painting Panels. Secondly, the medium used has varying costs attached to them. Pencil & Watercolour being at the lower end and the lifecycle of Watercolour means it lasts longer and covers greater areas, therefore running out slower. Whereas Acrylic and Oil paints have higher costs attached to them and the paint coverage is smaller. therefore it is used in greater quantity and also costs more to buy. Finally, the scale. Scale is an interesting one and often I am asked why my rates cost less per square inch the larger you go and higher for the smaller pieces. This is mainly attached to time. Time spent on smaller pieces actually takes as long if not longer than larger scale works. Therefore the Artist's hours are just as much, if not more than they would be on larger pieces. On the larger scale works, time spent does not increase as greatly and you can get a lot of area covered quickly when using larger brushes, therefore keeping time spent relative. 

I have set a 'Core Rate' for any commission works between 100 and 400 square inches. Anything below 100 square inches I add 25% more on top of the 'Core Rate' per square inch. Anything smaller than 50 square inches I charge an additional 40% per square inch. Anything above 400 square inches I reduce the rate by 25% and finally, anything over 1500 square inches I reduce the rate by 30% per square inch. 

Pricing Matrix

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